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सरल और आसान मेहंदी डिजाइन

 यदि आप मेहंदी डिजाइन हिंदी में चाहते हैं, तो यहां कुछ सरल मेहंदी डिजाइन दिए गए हैं: अंगूठी वाली मेहंदी डिजाइन: अपनी उंगली को मेहंदी से ढक दें और उसे एक छोटी अंगूठी के रूप में बनाएं। विंग्स वाली मेहंदी डिजाइन: हाथ के केंद्र में एक बड़ा सा विंग्स का मोतीफ बनाएं और उसे छोटे और आकर्षक डिज़ाइनों से जोड़ें। चुड़ी वाली मेहंदी डिजाइन: हाथ के बाजू में लंबी चुड़ियों के मोतीफ बनाएं और उन्हें शानदार लकीरों और बेल डिज़ाइनों से आकार दें। छोटे फूल वाली मेहंदी डिजाइन: हाथ के छोटे-छोटे फूल बनाएं और उन्हें लकीरों और पत्तों से सजाएं। यहां कुछ आसान मेहंदी डिज़ाइन हैं जिन्हें आप आसानी से बना सकते हैं: सरल फूलों की मेहंदी डिज़ाइन: हाथ के केंद्र में एक छोटा सा फूल बनाएं और उसके आसपास सुंदर पत्तियाँ और लकीरें बनाएं। चोटी लकीरों वाली मेहंदी डिज़ाइन: अपने हाथ के पीछे या उंगलियों के आसपास छोटी लकीरें बनाएं। इसे और आकर्षक बनाने के लिए आप उन्हें बिंदियाँ या मोतीफों से सजा सकते हैं। खादी वाली मेहंदी डिज़ाइन: अपनी हथेली पर खादी की तरह की रेखाएं बनाएं और उन्हें गहरे रंग की मेहंदी से भरें। इससे एक अद्वितीय और...

10 African Mehendi Design For Girls

 1: West African  Mehendi Design

West African Mehendi design western African comes to design and this design is simple and you really like it. this design is made up of it bold and dark. you will get this type of design on single or both hands, get this design for your occasion. you really love this design in your function and apply this design to your festivals also.

West African  Mehendi Design

 2: Half Back Hand Mehendi Design 

This Mehendi design is made with half back Mehendi it is filled with curvy designs and giving the unique in your hand. you can personalize the theme as per your choice too. African henna design has stolen your heart. This design really looking good in your hand.    

best Half Back Hand Mehendi Design

 3: Geometrical Hand Mehendi Design

Geometrical Designs have been the main patterns used for making Mehendi on the palms of the bride. This creativity looks unique. This design made using main patterns type mixed creativity. African mehndi looks quite similar to the Indian Mehendi design. They give amazing colors and dark Mehendi. 

Geometrical Hand Mehendi Design

 4: Best Cultural Hand Mehendi Design

When you gave some cultural touch then this design is best for cultural hand Mehendi design. the design is made with a nice curve. the design is made using flowers, simple check carried outwith cultural Mehendi design you should try this cultural Mehendi design in your occasions and festival.

Best Cultural Hand Mehendi Design

 5: Simple African Mehendi 

Simple African henna patterns when decorated with diamond charms, make the Mehendi look more design delightful. The design is made from various leaves like strokes forming a strip on the backside. try this simple look design for your casual day. You want some simple design so you should try this design in your beautiful hand.

Simple African Mehendi design

 6: African Bridal Mehendi Design

African bridal design using bridal symmetrical design decorating with designer lines. The African designs also have a glimpse of similar patterns. This design is simple and looks unique and the brides look beautiful in African Mehendi Design. brides want some special designs for her Mehendi then she goes with this design. 

African Bridal Mehendi Design

 7: African jewelry Mehendi Art

African jewelry art Mehendi design that gives you the best Mehendi art for when you want some jewelry design in your hand then you should go with this design. made using various jewelry designs it gives a complete hand covering with a middle finger ring design. Their designs generally cover one finger with jewelry Mehendi art.

African jewelry Mehendi Art

 8: Latest African Full Hand Mehendi 

When you think about mehndi designs you want some simple and unique designs in your hand. and this full hand mehndi design looks simple and easy for beginners. some simple designs look unique in your hand. they are perfect for decorating the hand. this African design is like most girls in their hands.

Latest African Full Hand Mehendi

 9: Top African Mehendi Design

African mehndi design gives some traditional touch also in their mehndi design they would be the best to be carried. the design is made using various pots, floral patterns, and other tiny designs for a charming touch. some designs were done by college-going girls on their college functions or celebration days. These beautiful designs try in your occasion and wedding function.

Top African Mehendi Design

 10: New African Mehendi Design

A recent name that is getting popular is the African henna design. they are highly inspired by the Indian traditional designs and give both complicated and complex curved patterns. You will get this type of design on your full hand. this design is used for the next occasion. you really like this design in your hand. 

New African Mehendi Design


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